
This filter works in parallel and compensates current for single or multiple load applications operating under varied loads. Used for single applications or an entire facility.

Our Active Harmonic Filters excel in parallel operation, providing precise compensation for single or multiple load applications operating under diverse and fluctuating loads. Whether applied to single instances or an entire facility, Enerdoor's solution ensures optimal performance.

The Innovative FINHRMAD

Enerdoor's Active Harmonic Filter, the FINHRMAD, stands out by eliminating harmonic distortion induced by nonlinear loads and optimizing power factor. This powerhouse is strategically connected in parallel to the mains, effectively compensating for distorted harmonic currents.

Versatile Mounting Options: Engineered for convenience, the FINHRMAD is available with din rail mounting, terminal blocks, cables, screws, and bus bar connections. Incorporating finger-safe protection for screw and bus bar options, safety is paramount in its design.

Tailored Solutions for Varied Networks: Enerdoor extends its expertise to various network configurations, providing solutions for traditional TN and TNS networks, as well as specific applications like IT power line configurations.

Modular Concept for Unlimited Amperage: Designed with a modular concept, the active harmonic filter offers unparalleled flexibility with unlimited amperage capacity, reaching up to 690 Vac. Tailor-made solutions allow customization of voltage, current, connection options, and attenuation to meet the unique requirements of diverse applications.

Browse Active Harmonic Filters

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FINHRMAD 有源谐波滤波器
  • 额定电压 400 - 480 - 600 - 690 Vac
  • 高性能和可靠性
  • 谐波消除
  • 不受网络条件影响
  • 从50A开始的模块化设计
  • 安装简便

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